Shanghai Puchun industrial Co.,LTD.
How CLIP Works
Light triggers photopolymerization while oxygen inhibits it. “If
we can control spatially the light and oxygen, then we can control
this process,”DeSimone said. Instead of a printer bed and printer
extruder, CLIP consists of an upward facing digital projection
system that directs ultraviolet (UV) light through a composite
window into a reservoir of UV-curable resin, and a build platform,
or stage.
The key to the technology lies in the window, which is made from
Teflon AF (amorphous fluoroplastic) 2400, permeable to oxygen,
and transparent to light. It has the “characteristics [of] a
contact lens,” DeSimone said. By controlling the flow of oxygen
through this window, CLIP creates a dead zone of uncured resin
with a thickness in the tens of micronsabout the diameter of
two to three red blood cellsin the reservoir between the growing
object and the window. This liquid interface allows production
to proceed continuously. Conventional SLA technology, for
comparison, prints a 2D pattern on the window, delaminate it,
refresh the resin, re-position the build platform, and then repeat
the process in discrete steps.